Quick Facts

Interesting Info
- Blue Marlin are a migratory species preferring warmer tropical waters and can be found in depths down to 1000 m (3280 ft) hunting for food. Generally they are found in depths of 40m (131 ft) or less.
- They are a apex predator using their bill to stun, injure or kill prey prior to swallowing them. Diet consists of baitfish, smaller tunas, squid & mackerel.
- The lifespan of Blue Marlin are estimated to 18 years for males and 27 for female.
- The female Blue Marline can grow up to 4 times the size of males.
- Blue Marline like many other billfish can change its colour based on levels of stress or excitement.
- They are a highly prized sports fish for anglers around the world.
- Main predators of Marlin include sharks, larger predatory fish when they are younger & anglers.
Species Interaction
Recreational & Commercial Fishing
Blue Marlin are a highly prized and targeted sports fish, known for their speed, strength, leaping ability and overall fight. They also have a significant commercial value being highly regarded in Japan for sashimi. The numbers of Blue Marlin are in decline leading to multiple conservation efforts driven by anglers through catch and release tagging efforts globally.
The Australian distribution of Blue Marlin circum-Australia, often found in offshore waters closer to the equator.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Istiophoriformes
Family: Istiophoridae
Genus: Makaira
Species: Makaira nigricans
Conservation Status
Based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Blue Marlin is currently categorised as “Vulnerable”(VU).
VC is a high risk category on the scale for risk with “Extinct”(EX) being the highest.
Fish Taste Quality
Blue Marlin are an average table fish – known more for catch & release fishing. Although highly popular in parts of Asia & the Caribbean.
Taste Rating: 3/5
How to catch
Blue Marlin
Catch Difficulty: Difficult
Tackle: Artificial Rig, Large circle hook rigged on leader with/without sinker with a crimp sleeve
Bait: Lures, Squid, Slimy Mackerel, Bonito, Tuna
Technique: Cast bait/jig/lure near schooling fish, Trolling