Quick Facts

Interesting Info
- The Ladder Wrasse is a species of marine fish primarily found in the coastal waters of Queensland, Australia.
- It has a distinct appearance with a orange-reddish body with bluish-green ladder-like markings along its sides.
- This fish is commonly seen swimming near coral reefs and rock formations.
- The Ladder Wrasse is a carnivorous fish, feeding on small crustaceans, molluscs, and other invertebrates.
- The Ladder Wrasse is a protogynous hermaphrodite, meaning that it starts life as a female and can later change into a male. These fish are known to form harem groups, with one dominant male and several females.
- They are known to spawn during the summer months, with females releasing thousands of eggs that are fertilised by the male. The eggs hatch into larvae after several days and then drift in the ocean currents for several weeks before settling onto the reef and beginning their life as juveniles.
- Estimated lifespan is between 10-15 years in the wild.
Species Interaction
Aquarium, Snorkeling & Diving
The Ladder Wrasse is a popular species among aquarium hobbyists due to its vibrant colours and active behaviour. It is often kept in home aquariums and is readily available in the aquarium trade. It is also a often sought-after fish for divers and snorkelers because of its amazing colouring.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Labridae
Genus: Thalassoma
Species: Thalassoma Trilobatum
Conservation Status
The conservation status of the ladder wrasse, has not been evaluated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This means that there is currently no official designation for the species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
How to catch
Ladder Wrasse
Catch Difficulty: Easy
Tackle: Running Sinker Rig
Bait: Fresh cut flesh baits, Pilchards, Prawns, Squid, Worms
Technique: Keep bait on the bottom, Keep bait close to the reef/structure
Popularity: Not targeted
Ladder Wrasse
As Aquarium Fish
Care Level: Easy to moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Carnivore
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Recreational Viewing
- Snorkeling & Scuba
Finding: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Location: Inner Reef, Outer Reef, Lagoon
Danger: None