Redband Wrasse

Pseudolabrus Biserialis
Redband Wrasse - Marinewise © 2025 MarineWise

Quick Facts

Scientific name Pseudolabrus Biserialis
Other names Redbanded Wrasse, Redback Wrasse
Size Up to 25 cm (9.84 in)
Weight Up to .48 kg (1.05 lb)


Habitat & AU Distribution Coastal waters amongst rocky areas & reefs with abundant algae growth
Depth Range 2 - 50 m (164 ft)
Redband Wrasse Distribution

Interesting Info

  • The Redband Wrasse is a small fish species that can be found along the southern and western coasts of Australia, primarily in Western Australia and South Australia.
  • They have a slender body with a pointed snout and a single dorsal fin. The coloration of this species is highly variable and can range from reddish-brown to greenish-blue. The body has two distinct bands of colour, with a reddish-brown band running along the upper part of the body and a bluish-green band along the lower part.
  • Juvenile Redband Wrasse have a different coloration compared to adults. They have a bright yellow-orange coloration with a dark spot on the base of the dorsal fin.
  • This species is most active during the day and feeds on small crustaceans, molluscs, and other invertebrates.
  • Redband Wrasse are protogynous hermaphrodites, meaning they start out as females and can change into males later in life.
  • The spawning season for this species occurs from spring to summer, with females releasing their eggs into the water column and males fertilising them.
  • This species has been observed to engage in cleaning behaviour, where they remove parasites and dead skin from other fish species.
  • The estimated lifespan is between 7 – 8 years or more in the wild.
Species Interaction

Aquarium, Snorkeling & Diving

Redband Wrasse can make a colourful and active addition to a home aquarium. They are active and swim constantly, so they require plenty of swimming space and hiding places such as live rock or coral. They also appreciate sandy areas where they can burrow and sleep at night. Redband Wrasse can make for an interesting and photogenic subject for underwater photographers and videographers. They are generally not aggressive towards humans and can be observed from a safe distance without posing a threat.

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Labridae

Genus: Pseudolabrus

Species: Pseudolabrus Biserialis

Conservation Status

The conservation status of Redband Wrasse in Australia is currently listed as “Least Concern” according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

Redband Wrasse
As Aquarium Fish

Care Level: Moderate

Temperament: Aggressive

Diet: Carnivore

Reef Compatible: Yes

Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons

Recreational Viewing
- Snorkeling & Scuba

Finding: Easy

Temperament: Aggressive

Location: Inner Reef, Outer Reef, Caves, Lagoon

Danger: None