Quick Facts
Scientific name
Siphonognathus Caninus
Other names
Sharpnose Rockwhiting
Up to 10 cm (3.93 in)
A few grams
Habitat & AU Distribution
Coastal waters amongst rocky reefs & seagrass areas rich in algae
Depth Range
1 - 5 m (16 ft)

Interesting Info
- The Sharpnose Weed Whiting is endemic to Australia, and its distribution spans along the southern coast, from Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.
- They are small, slender fish with a distinctive sharp nose, hence its name. Their colouration can change depending on environment, however males are typically yellowish-orange to green with different coloured stripes along the head and sides. Juveniles and female are often reddish-brown to green with pearly white and silvery colours on the sides.
- They are carnivorous and feed on small crustaceans, marine worms, and tiny molluscs found in the seagrass beds.
- Sharpnose Weed Whiting possess excellent camouflage abilities, allowing them to blend in with the seagrass and sandy seabed to avoid predators.
- They are generally found in schools, which provides them safety in numbers against predators.
- Breeding is during the warmer months in Australia, usually from late spring to early autumn. They prefer shallow waters with seagrass beds for spawning.
- After spawning, males provide limited parental care by guarding and protecting the eggs until they hatch, which usually takes a few days.
- Their estimated average lifespan is between 2 – 3 years.
Species Interaction
Snorkeling & Diving
Observing Sharpnose Weed Whiting in the wild can be a delightful experience for snorkelers and divers, especially in clear, shallow waters where seagrass beds are abundant. As they can be a schooling fish, identifying them in the seagrass beds can be easy.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Odacidae
Genus: Siphonognathus
Species: Siphonognathus Caninus
Conservation Status
The Sharpnose Weed Whiting is considered a species of least concern in Australia. Their population is stable, and there are currently no major conservation concerns regarding their numbers.
Recreational Viewing
- Snorkeling & Scuba
Finding: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Location: Inner Reef, Lagoon, Seagrass Beds
Danger: None